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Version 6.23.0

Changelog for version 6.23.0

New features

Added fireTrackingEventsForSplitNodeUntilResult function to DocumentXCD-682
Added possibility to add custom phrases for the body section of error-notifications

It was already possible to add custom phrases for the title section of an error-notification before like so: $['xeditor.error.code.502'] = 'Bad Gateway';Now it's possible to also add a custom phrase for the body section of the notification like so: $['xeditor.error.code.body.502'] = 'The server seems to be unresponsive: ${backendResponse}. Please contact the support if the issue persists.';Note that you can use the variables ${backendResponse} and ${middlewareResponse} within the phrase definition to access the error message produced by the middleware as well as the original error message that's been recieved from the backend, since the middleware often alters the original message.

Added templatesXED-106


Fixed focus breaking selection in firefox sometimesWEKA-311