📄️ v6.17.2 (November 24, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.17.2'
📄️ v6.17.1 (November 24, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.17.1'
📄️ v6.17.0 (November 23, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.17.0'
📄️ v6.16.0 (November 22, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.16.0'
📄️ v6.15.0 (August 17, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.15.0'
📄️ v6.14.1 (July 7, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.14.1'
📄️ v6.14.0 (June 29, 2023)
Module '@xeditor/core@6.14.0'
📄️ v6.13.0 (March 8, 2023)
- Support for document zoom in Xeditor
📄️ v6.12.0 (July 14, 2022)
The statusbar (containing the breadcrumb and notification history by default) is now completely configurable. This means you can now re-order any items, remove items, and add any items you want to add in the same way as you are already familiar with from the regular toolbar configuration.
📄️ v6.11.0 (November 30, 2021)
With this version Xeditor gets an overall styling rework for a more clean and fresh look. Furthermore this new layout enhances the contrast and visability of markings and selection.
📄️ v6.10.0 (October 20, 2021)
For the Tag view Mode the user now has the option to choose if he only wants to see tags which can only contain text for themselves (this is the current default option of the tag view) or also container tags which only can contain other elements. Furthermore, the user can also choose to show attributes directly in the tags.
📄️ v6.9.0 (May 19, 2021)
Core v6.9.0
📄️ v6.8.0 (April 19, 2021)
New whitespace font
📄️ v6.7.0 (January 21, 2021)
New Drag and Drop / Improved Selection Handling
📄️ v6.6.0 (August 28, 2020)
Apart from several bugfixes we improved the Review Bar (containing all the comments and Change Tracking messages) and the entry handling is now better.
📄️ v6.5.x (July 07, 2020)
📄️ v6.4.0 (April 21, 2020)
📄️ v6.3.0 (March 19, 2020)
📄️ v6.2.0 (February 20, 2020)
📄️ v6.1.0 (February 05, 2020)
📄️ v6.0.x (January 27, 2020)