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Technical Details

Core v6.9.0


  • Moves extending of ranges from ClipboardManager::copyRange to the new Method ClipboardManager::getSelectionRange and pass it inside ClipboardManager::cutRange/ClipboardManager::copyRange
  • Prevent key input when alt + numpad ("Alt numpad input method") is used since inserted characters caused multiple issues


  • Some adjustments in TextLengthCache to avoid errors with elements without text, which get child elements with text afterwards
  • Copy does not contain removed text/elements anymore
  • Fixed loading of documents with markers at the start/end without following text

Plugin-Changetracker v2.2.2


  • Fixed issue where node where moved and tracking got lost

Plugin-Footnote v2.1.0


  • Moved existing logic from onToggleStateButtonToggle to expandAllFootnotes and collapseUnselectedFootnotes. Now these methods can be used to switch the mode programmatically
  • Added setToolbarButtonsState to toggle buttons.
  • Added listener for editorinited and converted the property collapseFootnotes to a configuration. The collapseFootnotes is evaluated in editorinited and switches to the desired mode using expandAllFootnotes / collapseUnselectedFootnotes.

Plugin-HTMLTable v3.0.2


  • Fixed an error where the table selection for nested elements was not recognized correctly
  • Fixed applyCellSelectionOverride to handle merged cells correctly

Plugin-Listfeatures v3.0.2


  • Fixed a case where elements disappeared when pressing Enter
  • Update peer dependency of changeelementlevel plugin