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New Features

The statusbar (containing the breadcrumb and notification history by default) is now completely configurable. This means you can now re-order any items, remove items, and add any items you want to add in the same way as you are already familiar with from the regular toolbar configuration. In addition, Xeditor now supports the insertion of Proccessing Instructions without any required customization. For this, the new data-type _processing_instruction can be used.


Module '@xeditor/core@6.12.0'


  • Statusbar is now configurable
    • introduced buttons xeditor.notifications, xeditor.status and xeditor.breadcrumb to be used in statusbar
    • additional self defined or other existing predefined buttons can be used in statusbar
    • For configuration, use new provided file statusbar.js
  • New type _processing_instruction provided automatically
    • there is a role xeditor.processinginstruction ("allowEverywhere: true")
    • _processing_instruction has the attributes name and data
    • introduced buttons xeditor.notifications, xeditor.status and xeditor.breadcrumb to be used in statusbar
    • additional self defined or other existing predefined buttons can be used in statusbar
    • For configuration, use new provided file statusbar.js
  • Keybinding dialog is now available
    • add descriptions with description: 'TEXT' in the correct keybindings-file, e.g. keybindings.js
      • set description: false for hiding the Keybinding from the dialog
    • added Keybinding F1 and button for opening the dialog
  • Added a context to Keybindings to specify where the keyboard input is valid and where not
  • Extend save button to be able to use extraParams object, which will be send as additonal parameters to the save service
  • Added versions dialog to show the version of the editor itself and the versions of all installed plugins
  • When a URL has a cc param the cacheConfuseIdentifier from LibraryUtil.js won't be appended anymore
  • Added function findElementByOffset for Frame and implemented a correction for dynamic loading
  • Status text and notification button are no longer implemented in the statsubar
  • Paste button does now work on https


  • Fixed returnValue of findFrameOnlyNodeTargetFrameNode so its always a HTMLElement
  • Adjusted mouse down behaviour to properly select parent node if an img tag was clicked -> imrpoves selection of images
  • Fixed replacement of nbsp characters with alternating nbsp characters
  • Fixed return value of Editor::updateSelectionClass to always return proper result object. In some cases only a boolean was returned
  • Fix EventManager::onTriggerMoveCursorLeft, EventManager::onTriggerMoveCursorRight, EventManager::onTriggerMoveCursorRangeLeft, and EventManager::onTriggerMoveCursorRangeRight to only be handle selection if editor content is selected
  • Modification of the behavior to block the input of multiple whitespaces to fix bugs in this logic.
  • Prevent keybindings with the selection outside the document
  • Fixed issue where empty attributes where set to "undefined" whenever the defaultValue is undefined
  • Problem with overwriting the keybindigs Ctrl+B/U/I fixed. The browser no longer inserts default HTML tags
  • Fix icon of notifications button
  • Fixed issue in Frame.js where classes where not synchronized back to ExtJS
  • Fixed styling of date picker
  • Fixed position of Comments

Module '@xeditor/component-aceeditor@2.0.2'


  • Changed registry port

Module '@xeditor/plugin-attributeslist@1.4.3'


  • Reduced priority of onElementAttributeChange in order to prevent issues with other listeners bound to this event
  • Fixed issue causing add attribute combobox to be removed if filter was used (typing in field) and only one entry matched

Module '@xeditor/plugin-comment@2.2.1'


  • Fixed spelling in german phrases

Module '@xeditor/plugin-htmltable@3.2.0'


  • Prevent keybindings with the selection outside the document


  • Added possibility to move row(s) to another rowContainer
  • Added tablewrapper config

Module '@xeditor/plugin-inlineformat@2.1.2'


  • Added fix to keep non inline formats when they are empty
  • Add safety check to applyFormat to check if given type is valid at position
  • Add safety check to onTriggerFromat to apply logic only when allowed

Module '@xeditor/plugin-spellchecker@3.1.0'


  • Added language dropdown to statusbar

Module '@xeditor/plugin-tagvisualizer@2.3.0'


  • Add possibility to hide certain attributes in the tag visualizer using showInTagView = false on the attribute
  • Add Set updateElementAttributesStore in order to store elements which attributes should be updated
  • Added new type selfClosingTag
    • included special case for _processing_instruncion
  • Added tooltips when hovering a start- or selfclosing tag


  • Attributes which have default values but are not set in the actual XML will no longer be shown in tags
  • Attribute will now displayed with XMLName if available
  • Fixed issue in fixTagNode causing incorrect behaviour in certain cases
  • Attributes cannot be added multiple times
  • Large tags to not longer overflow the documents boundaries

Module '@xeditor/plugin-raweditor@2.0.2'


  • While raweditor gets opened, a wait message is shown to prevent changes at the document while loading (prevent inconsistency of document)

Module '@xeditor/plugin-searchreplace@1.2.1'


  • Add phrases for KeyBindingsDialog.js
  • Removed no search results dialog

Module '@xeditor/xeditor@2.5.0'


  • Add statusbar.js to configure the statusbar
  • Add support for processing instruction to XSL transformation

Module '@xeditor/xeditor-demo@2.7.0'


  • Add statusbar.js to configure the statusbar
  • Add support for processing instruction to XSL transformation
  • Default.xml document Updated. It does not contain lorem ipsum anymore.

Module '@xeditor/xeditor-dita@2.4.0'


  • Add statusbar.js to configure the statusbar

Module '@xeditor/xeditor-jats@2.4.0'


  • Add statusbar.js to configure the statusbar