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What schemas does Xeditor support?

In general Xeditor works with every schema format available, both XSD and DTD schemas. If you want to know more about the basic concepts of how Xeditor uses the schemas to validate your documents please read here.Standards like DITA, S1000D, Akoma Ntoso, Docbook, JATS and lots more are already working with Xeditor.

What browsers does Xeditor support?

You can work with Xeditor on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Basic functionality is also offered for Internet Explorer 11, but some more advanced features, e.g. the review bar won't work on this browser.

In general Chrome offers the best user-experience and is our recommendation for working with Xeditor. We also support the two latest stable major versions of Firefox and the latest stable major version of Microsoft Edge and Safari.

Can Xeditor be connected to any third party system?

Yes, Xeditor can be connected to any third party system that can connect to our API. Instructions on how to integrate Xeditor can be found in our integration guide.

How do I integrate Xeditor into my CMS?

Since the answer to that question is quite complex, and might also depend on your specific use case, we wrote a whole guide about integration. You can find it here.

Can Xeditor store my documents?

At least not out of the box. Xeditor is meant for editing structured documents and is usually connected to some kind of CMS or other service like Google Drive, MS Share Point or something similar. However, if required, you could add customizations to Xeditor to be also capable of storing your documents.

Can Xeditor publish my documents?

Yes and no. Xeditor is meant for editing structured documents, not directly for publishing them. For most of our customers, their CMS or any other system Xeditor is connected to is in charge of publishing their documents. However, Xeditor does offer an Weasyprint service integration, called weasyprint-rest which might be used for generating simple PDF documents. You can find an example for this on our live demo. You can also connect Xeditor to any service as part of your customization and therefore integrate publishing functionality yourself. But as already mentioned, usually a third party system, like a CMS, would be better suited for publishing your content.

Is there a size limit for documents?

There's not a real limit to the document size itself. The size of the document may have an impact on the performance, but Xeditor uses some tricks to work around that, see document splitting for details. Based on our experience, documents with the size of a couple of mega bytes still work perfectly fine. However, keep in mind that the bigger the file is, the load process may take some time, depending on the internet connection of your users.

What should I do if I get stuck during the setup / configuration process?

If you followed our setup guide according to our best practices and Xeditor still doesn't work as expected or there are errors thrown you could check out our common mistakes section and see if there's some pointer to resolve your issue. If this doesn't help either, feel free to contact our support team. We will gladly assist you with getting everything up and running.

How often do new versions of Xeditor introduce breaking changes (major releases)?

We try to keep breaking changes, and hence major releases, as infrequently as possible. However, since some features and / or general improvements can't be done without introducing breaking changes, we cannot eliminate the chance of major releases. In general our goal is to not have more major releases than one every two years.

Also, having a major release doesn't necessarily mean that the update process is hard or takes a lot of time. We take semantic versioning quite seriously and therefore we have a major release as soon as one method change causes breaking changes. Even if this method is barely used by customers. So, even if we release a new major release, this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to put a lot of effort into the update process. In addition, we will try our best to provide you with detailed update instructions in order to keep you going.

What is the release interval of Xeditor (minor and patch versions)?

We try to release a new minor version of Xeditor once a month but at least once a quarter. Patch versions with critical bug fixes are released directly after the implementation.

Do I have to use Xeditors middleware server?

As of now, the usage of Xeditors middleware server is optional, hence you are free to not use it. However, we highly recommend using it as it comes with a couple of benefits:

  • All Xeditor related backend logic will be handled by us. Meaning you do not have to worry about this logic at all
  • If there's any additional service added to Xeditor, you do not have to implement this on your side, as our middleware server will already include it
  • Any bugs or issues that might be in there, will be addressed and fixed by our team. If you use your own backend logic, taking care of any issues would be on you
  • Less code for you and your team to maintain

Does Xeditor support formulas, like MathML or TeX?

Yes, Xeditor actually is capable of handling both of them. There's a plugin for each formula type available:

For both, MathML and TeX, when you have the appropriate plugin installed you'll be able to create and edit formulas in an WYSIWYG Editor. Also, once the formula is saved, Xeditor will render it properly directly into your document.

What is the best way to determine which version of Xeditor I am using currently?

The easiest way to determine your Xeditor version would be to open up Xeditor, open your browsers console, and type in the following command:


It will then output the version. You can also do this with all of the plugins by adjusting the class name, e.g.


Which Open Source Software does Xeditor use?

With this Link you can download a list with all the used open source software.