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Xeditor table plugin

What it does

This plugin adds support for tables and table actions to Xeditor for html and cals. If configured, you can easily insert new rows/columns and perform merges between table cells.


First you have to switch into your project location using the command line.

cd path/to/your/project

Now you should be in the same directory as the package.json file. Then you can install the plugin as follows:

npm install @xeditor/plugin-table --save --registry


The structure of the plugin configuration looks like this

pluginId: 'table',
ptype: 'uxxeditortable',
tables: object|object[],
overlay: object,
menu: object,
percentBehaviour: 'free'|'clamp'|'force',
widthBehaviour: 'auto'|'fill'|'overflow',
supportedUnitsFn: function,
editableAttributesFn: function,
resizeTableOnPaste: boolean,
fixTablesOnLoad: boolean,
ignoreCaptionOnMove: boolean,
pasteRowAsNewRow: boolean,
allowedBackgroundColors: string[]|function,
allowedBorderColors: string[]|function,
allowedBorderStyles: string[]|function,
allowedBorderWidths: string[]|function,
allowAdvancedColorPicker: string[]|function,
rangeExpandMode: 'expand'|'legacy'|'auto'|'autoInclude'
pluginIdstring-yesPlugin id
ptypestring-yesPlugin component type/alias
tablesobject | object[]-yesOne or more table model configs (see Table models for more info)
overlayobject-noTable overlay config (see Overlay for more info)
menuobject-noTable menu config (see Context menu for more info)
percentBehaviour'free' | 'clamp' | 'force'"force"noDefines how the editor should handle percent No regulation, the editor allows all values in any combination.clamp: The editor allows different values, but all percent values must add up to 100. force: If at least one size is given in percent, the editor forces the user to provide all values in percent values which must add up to 100.
widthBehaviour'auto' | 'fill' | 'overflow'"auto"noDefines how the absolute width of the table is The size of the table is equal to the combined size of all table columns (allows horizontal scroll).fill: The size of the table is always equal to 100% of its parent container. With this setting the width of the cells might not 100% reflect the set attributes since the combinded width always adds up to 100% (does not allow horizontal scroll).overflow: The same as fill but allows horizontal scroll.
supportedUnitsFnFunction-noCallback function which must return a list of all supported units (e.g. ['%', 'px', 'in', 'auto'])
editableAttributesFnFunction-noCallback function which must return a list of internal attribute names which should be editable via the table config dialog
resizeTableOnPastebooleantruenoIf set to true tables will be resized when the pasted content does not fit (additional rows/cols are added).
fixTablesOnLoadbooleanfalsenoA configuration flag that, when set to true, ensures that tables are fixed and properly formatted on page load. If false, tables will not be automatically adjusted on load.
ignoreCaptionOnMovebooleantruenoFlag to allow or disallow the editor to ignore a table caption when dragging or copying entire tables
pasteRowAsNewRowbooleantruenoFlag indicating whether a table row is to be pasted as a new row or whether the currently selected row is to be overwritten
allowedBackgroundColorsstring[] | FunctionExt.ux.xeditor.plugin. table.Plugin.BACKGROUND_COLORSnoDefines which background colors should be allowed.
allowedBorderColorsstring[] | FunctionExt.ux.xeditor.plugin. table.Plugin.BORDER_COLORSnoDefines which border colors should be allowed.
allowedBorderStylesstring[] | FunctionExt.ux.xeditor.plugin. table.Plugin.BORDER_STYLESnoDefines which border styles should be allowed.
allowedBorderWidthsstring[] | FunctionExt.ux.xeditor.plugin. table.Plugin.BORDER_WIDTHSnoDefines which border widths should be allowed.
allowAdvancedColorPickerstring[] | FunctiontruenoDefines if the advanced color picker should be usable for background or border colors or not. If no advanced color picker can be used, the color set is restricted to the configured colors.
rangeExpandMode'expand' | 'legacy' | 'auto' | 'autoInclude'"auto"noIndicates how the editor should handle table range selections across merged cells.expand: Expands the table selection range to a square around all cells contained in the range.legacy: Does not expand the selection range and therefore not always builds a square (same behaviour as the old table plugin).auto: Expands if the user selects a range from cell a to cell b. Ignores merged cells which are not fully enclosed, only if the selection was done by clicking on a row or column action button.autoInclude: The same as auto but includes all cells which overlap with the selection boundaries instead of excluding them.

Example configuration

This is an example plugin configuration. It does not include all possible configurations.

pluginId: 'table',
ptype: 'uxxeditortable',
// return an array of units which should be supported
// all of these must be included in the supported units of the plugin itself
supportedUnitsFn: (editor, tablePlugin, tableModel) => {
return ['%', 'px', 'in', 'auto'];
// only configure a single table
// this may also be an array
tables: {
type: 'html',
table: 'tab_table',
caption: 'tab_caption',
head: 'tab_head',
body: 'tab_body',
foot: 'tab_foot',
// row and cell can be given as single string or as an array of strings
row: 'tab_row',
cell: ['tab_cell', 'tab_headcell'],
// map internal attribute names (keys) to the actual cell attribute names (values)
attributes: {
align: 'text_align',
background: 'cell_bg',
colspan: 'colspan',
rowspan: 'rowspan',
// map internal attribute names to actual row attribute names
rowAttributes: {
height: 'rowheight'
// disable borders via the cell style tag
enableStyleBorders: false
menu: {
// don't add disabled buttons to the context menu
addDisabledButtons: false,
// change the menu nesting to 3, to minimize the context menu size
// this will collapse the entire table menu into a single submenu
contextMenuNesting: 3
overlay: {
// allow the resize of rows and columns
enableResize: 'all',
// only show insert buttons in the overlay (no delete buttons)
enableActions: 'insert',
// don't display column names in the top action row
displayColumnNames: false,
sizeTooltipPattern: 'Example tooltip: Inch => ${in:2}'

Table models

How to configure a table model

To configure a table model provide one or more table model configurations.
A single configuration can be one of the following:\

  • No table config

    If no table configuration is provided, it will be automatically generated based on the behaviors.
    However, this requires a correctly established behavior configuration in your project.

  • A single string

    This will use the default model configuration for the provided model type (cals or html).
    Automatically excludes attributes or type names which are not available from the used schema.
    Can't be extended.

    tables: 'cals'
  • Extend default model

    This will use the default model as base for the final configuration.
    Thus, all specified configuration options will be applied, and any options not provided will default to those set in the base model.
    Can be combined with type to extend the configuration of model a but use model b.

    tables: {
    extends: 'cals',
    table: 'my_custom_table',
    cell: 'my_nice_cell'
  • Full model configuration

    Providing a full model configuration requires you to provide all necessary types and attributes.

    tables: {
    type: 'cals',
    table: 'my_table',
    cell: 'my_cell',
    row: 'my_row',
    col: 'my_col',

Table model structure

The table models config consists out of one or more model configurations.
A single model configuration is structured as follows.

type: string,
table: string,
caption: string,
head: string,
body: string,
foot: string,
row: string|string[],
cell: string|string[],
col: string,
colgroup: string,
wrapPath: string[],
attributes: {
align: string,
valign: string,
background: string,
colspan: string,
rowspan: string,
namest: string,
nameend: string,
colsep: string,
rowsep: string,
style: string
columnAttributes: {
align: string,
valign: string,
width: string,
name: string,
number: string,
colsep: string,
rowsep: string
rowAttributes: {
align: string,
valign: string,
height: string,
colsep: string,
rowsep: string
tableAttributes: {
align: string,
valign: string,
colsep: string,
rowsep: string,
frame: string,
rules: string,
border: string
enableStyleBorders: boolean,
enableAutoColnums: boolean

Depending on the configured model type, not all of the above configs are required or supported.

Basic model config options

type'html' | 'cals'"html"noThe type of the model (e.g. 'html' or 'cals')
tablestring-yesThe table element type
captionstring-noThe table caption element type
headstring-noThe table head element type
bodystring-noThe table body element type. If only one row container type exists, it should be asigned to the body. If no row container type exists head, body and foot can be omitted altogether.
footstring-noThe table foot element type
rowstring | string[]-yesOne or more row element types
cellstring | string[]-yesOne or more cell element types
colstring-noColumn definition element type
colgroupstring-noColgroup element type
wrapPathstring[]-noOptional wrap path which contains one or more table wrapper elements
attributesobjectnullnoMapping object which maps internal attribute names to cell attribute names
columnAttributesobjectnullnoMapping object which maps internal attribute names to column attribute names
rowAttributesobjectnullnoMapping object which maps internal attribute names to row attribute names
tableAttributesobjectnullnoMapping object which maps internal attribute names to table attribute names
enableStyleBordersbooleantruenoEnables or disables cell borders via the style attribute
enableAutoColnumsbooleantruenoEnables or disables the automatic numbering of column numbers

Attributes config options (attributes)

colspanstring-noColumn span
rowspanstring-noRow span
alignstring-noHorizontal text align
valignstring-noVertical text align
backgroundstring-noCell background color
nameststring-noStart column name
nameendstring-noEnd column name
colsepstring-noColumn border
rowsepstring-noRow border
stylestring-noCell style

Column attributes config options (columnAttributes)

alignstring-noHorizontal text align
valignstring-noVertical text align
widthstring-noColumn width
namestring-noColumn name
numberstring-noColumn number
colsepstring-noColumn border
rowsepstring-noRow border

Row attributes config options (rowAttributes)

alignstring-noHorizontal text align
valignstring-noVertical text align
heightstring-noRow height
colsepstring-noColumn border
rowsepstring-noRow border

Table attributes config options (tableAttributes)

alignstring-noHorizontal text align
valignstring-noVertical text align
colsepstring-noColumn border
rowsepstring-noRow border
framestring-noTable border
rulesstring-noBorder lines between rows or columns
borderstring-noWidth of the border which is set by frame or rules


The table overlay supports the following configurations. The overlay is the UI element which helps editing tables directly within the docuemnt.

enabled: boolean,
enableSelect: boolean,
enableMaximize: boolean,
showNumbers: string,
enableResize: string,
enableActions: string,
highlightSelection: boolean,
highlightActions: boolean,
displayColumnNames: boolean,
sizeTooltipPattern: string|function,
resizeUnit: string,
padding: number
enabledbooleantruenoEnables or disables the entire overlay
enableSelectbooleantruenoEnabels or disables the selection via the overlay action rows
enableMaximizebooleanfalsenoEnabels or disables the table maximize button
showNumbers'all' | 'row' | 'col' | 'none'"all"noConfigures which row/column numbers should be shown
enableResize'all' | 'row' | 'col' | 'none'"col"noEnables or disables the resize of rows/columns via the overlay
enableActions'all' | 'delete' | 'insert' | 'none'"all"noConfigures which table actions should be available via the overlay
highlightSelectionbooleantruenoTrue to highlight the active table selection within the action rows
highlightActionsbooleantruenoTrue to highlight/preview table actions when hovering over corresponding buttons
displayColumnNamesbooleantruenoTrue to display the column names (the attribute which maps to name in columnAttributes) instead of a continuous alphanumeric number (A,B,C,...). This has no effect if showNumbers is set to row or none.
sizeTooltipPatternstring | function"\${axis}\${cm:2} (\${px})"noThe pattern which builds the resize tooltip. If this is a function the return value will be used as tooltip text.${axis} replaces with the current axis (width or height).${unit:precision} replaces with the width of the colum/row converted to the given unit and precision.
resizeUnitstring"px"noDefault unit to set the size of rows/columns (defaults to px or the first supported absolute unit)
paddingnumber0noThe distance in px between the overlay action rows and the table.

Context menu

enableContextMenu: boolean,
addDisabledButtons: boolean,
addSeparators: boolean,
contextMenuInsertIndex: number,
contextMenuNesting: number
enableContextMenubooleantruenoEnables or disables the table context menu
addDisabledButtonsbooleantruenoTrue to also add disabled buttons to the context menu
addSeparatorsbooleantruenoTrue to add seperators to visually group table actions
contextMenuInsertIndexnumber1noInsert index of the table context menu items
contextMenuNestingnumber1noThe nesting level of context menu items the possible values are 0,1,2,3

Supported units

The following size units are supported by the plugin.

Percent%relativePercent value
CentimetercmabsoluteCentimeter value
MillimetermmabsoluteMillimeter value
PointptabsolutePoint value
PixelpxabsolutePixel value
PicaspcabsolutePicas value
InchinabsoluteInch value
AutoautoautoAuto size (the editor automatically calculates the size of the cell). This is only allowed if the corresponding attribute is not required.

Default schema configurations

Table configurations for default schemas like CALS or HTML.

These must go in the tables config options of the plugin itself.

table: 'tgroup',
col: 'colspec',
colgroup: 'colgroup',
row: 'row',
cell: 'entry',
body: 'tbody',
foot: 'tfoot',
head: 'thead',
wrapPath: ['table'],
attributes: {
align: 'align',
valign: 'valign',
namest: 'namest',
nameend: 'nameend',
morerows: 'morerows',
colsep: 'colsep',
rowsep: 'rowsep'
columnAttributes: {
align: 'align',
name: 'colname',
number: 'colnum',
width: 'colwidth',
colsep: 'colsep',
rowsep: 'rowsep'
rowAttributes: {
valign: 'valign',
rowsep: 'rowsep'
tableAttributes: {
align: 'align',
cols: 'cols',
colsep: 'colsep',
rowsep: 'rowsep',
frame: 'frame',
rules: 'rules'
table: 'table',
col: 'col',
colgroup: 'colgroup',
row: 'tr',
cell: ['td', 'th'],
body: 'tbody',
foot: 'tfoot',
head: 'thead',
attributes: {
align: 'align',
valign: 'valign',
colspan: 'colspan',
rowspan: 'rowspan',
background: 'bgcolor'
columnAttributes: {
align: 'align',
valign: 'valign',
width: 'width'
rowAttributes: {
align: 'align',
valign: 'valign'
tableAttributes: {
align: 'align',
valign: 'valign',
border: 'border',
frame: 'frame',
rules: 'rules'


The API for the plugin can be found here: table plugin API